Published onJune 25, 2023AUPCTF'23 - Web - Headerwebaupctfdjangohttp-headersThe name of challenge was a hint towards HTTP Headers, so we just had to send a custom header to get the flag
Published onJune 25, 2023AUPCTF'23 - Web - SQLi 1webaupctfsqlilogin-bypassBasic SQL Injection to bypass login
Published onJune 25, 2023AUPCTF'23 - Web - SQLi 2webaupctfsqlilogin-bypassAnother basic SQLi to bypass to admin panel
Published onJune 25, 2023AUPCTF'23 - Web - Starterwebaupctfsource-code-analysisStarter was a very easy web challenge in which flag could be found using basic source code analysis.
Published onJune 25, 2023AUPCTF'23 - Web - Time Heistwebaupctfarchive.orgwayback-machineTime Heist was a simple web challenge in which we had to find the flag by looking at a tag in a website which was later deleted.